Our awards.

We’re the property finance experts making common-sense lending decisions for 50 years. But don’t just take our word for it! We’re delighted to showcase our awards here.
A dark blue background with an award on the right shaped like three stars.

Our Most Recent Awards

As property finance experts, we’ve been making common-sense lending decisions for 50 years. And we’re proud that our peers and prestigious industry organisations both value and respect what we do, and how we do it. The recognition we’ve received over the years speaks volumes for our determination to go the extra mile for our customers every single day. Here are our latest achievements:

Mortgage introducer award from 2023 for bridging lender of the year.
Bridging Lender of the year
Mortgage introducer award from 2023 for the hampshire trust bank award for women of distinction.
Hampshire Trust Bank award for Women of Distinction
Mortgage introducer award from 2023 for secured loan lender of the year.
Secured Loan lender of the year

2023 Awards 

B&C award from 2023 for Michael Schofield for underwriter of the year.
B&C Award for Michael Schofield for Underwriter of the Year

Global 100 Mortgage award from 2023 for mortgage introducer.
Global 100 Mortgage Award for Mortgage Introducer

The props award from 2023 for funder of the year.
The Props Award for Funder of the Year

CCA global accreditation from 2023 for customer experience.
CCA Accreditation for customer experience

Investors in people award from 2023 for 10 years.
Investors in People: UK employer of the year

Business money facts award from 2023 for the bridging finance provider.
Best bridging Finance Provider

B&C award from 2023 for specialist buy to let lender of the year.
Specialist Buy To Let Lender of the Year

The british specialist lending award from 2023 for lender underwriter Simon Baker Smith.
The British Specialist Lending Award: Underwriting for Simon Baker-Smith

2022 Awards 

A British specialist lending award for Adam Kerfoot for underwriting in 2022.
The British Specialist Lending Award to Adam Kerfoot: Underwriting

NACFB Patron Award for Short-term Lender of the Year 2022.
National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers Patron Award for Short-term Lender of the Year

A British specialist lending award for Marc Goldberg for commercial finance lender in 2022.
The British Specialist Lending Award to Marc Goldberg for Business Leader: Commercial Finance Lender

A business moneyfacts award for innovation in the SME finance sector in 2022.
Business Moneyfacts Award for Innovation in the SME Finance Sector

An SFI winner award for secured loan lender of the year 2022.
Specialist Finance Introducer Winner Award for Secured Loan Lender of the Year

An SFI winner award for specialist finance lender of the year 2022.
Specialist Finance Introducer Winner Award for Specialist Finance Lender of the Year

2021 Awards 

An NACFB patron award for rising star of the year 2021.
National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers Patron Award for Rising Star of the Year, Kara Williams

An NACFB patron award for short-term lender of the year 2021.
National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers Patron Award for Short-term Lender of the Year

An MI award for bridging lender of the year 2021.
Mortgage Introducers award for Bridging Lender of the Year

2019 Awards 

SFI - bridging lender of the year 2019.
Specialist Finance Introducer Award for Bridging Lender of the Year

SFI - commercial lender of the year 2019.
Specialist Finance Introducer Award for Commercial Lender of the Year

BC  commercial lender of the year 2019.
Business and Continuity Award for Commercial Lender of the Year

Globalcapital - european securitization 2019.
GlobalCapital European Securitization Award

2018 Awards 

PWA - best buy to let mortgage provider 2018.
Property Wire Award for the Best Buy-to-Let Mortgage Provider

Sunday times - 100 best companies 2018.
The Sunday Times Award for Best Companies to Work For

Sunday times - top track 250 2018.
The Sunday Times Award for Top Track 250

BSLA - second charge British business leader MG 2018.
The British Specialist Lending Award to Marc Goldberg for Business Leader: Second Charger Lender

BMFA - best bridging finance provider 2017-18.
Business Moneyfacts award for Best Bridging Finance Provider

2017 Awards 

BC  best use of fintech 2017 award logo.
Business and Continuity Award for the Best Use of Fintech

BC  bridging lender of the year 2017.
Business and Continuity Award for Bridging Lender of the Year

BC  commercial lender of the year 2017.
Business and Continuity Award for Commercial Lender of the Year

BC outstanding contribution 2017.
Business and Continuity Award for Outstanding Contribution

BSLA - bridging lender business leader MG 2017.
The British Specialist Lending Award to Marc Goldberg for Business Leader: Bridging Lender

BSLA - commercial finance lender business leader MG 2017.
- The British Specialist Lending Award to Marc Goldberg for Business Leader: Commercial Finance Lender

Northern Lights Award - 2017.
Northern Lights Award for Finance Company of the Year

FR - best short term bridging lender 2017.
Financial Reporter Award for Best Short-Term/Bridging Lender

WHLF - a fastest 50 company 2017.
Wardhadaway Lawfirm Award for one of the 50th Fastest Growing Companies

SBA - excellence in corporate social responsibility 2017.
Stockport Business Award for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility

NACFB - helping fund UK business 2017.
National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers Patron Award for Specialist Lender of the Year

BMFA - best bridging finance provider 2017.
Business Moneyfacts Award for Best Bridging Finance Provider

PWA - best buy to let mortgage provider 2017.
Property Wire Award for Best Buy-to-Let Mortgage Provider

Sunday times - top track 250 2017.
The Sunday Times Award for Top Track 250