Important documents you might need.

Electronic versions that you can print at home without having to wait
These documents are free to download as often as you like.
Where can I download a letter of Authority - Personal Customers?
If you'd prefer someone else to speak about your account on your behalf, that's fine.
If you want them to be able to discuss the account permanently, download, print and complete the authorisation form and send it our way.
Either post it or email it to us at
Personal Finance
Together Lake View, Lakeside, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 3GW.
Download a Letter of Authority (PDF)
Can I download a letter of Authority - Commercial Customers?
If you'd prefer someone else to speak about your account on your behalf, that's fine.
If you want them to be able to discuss the account permanently, download, print and complete the authorisation form and send it our way.
Either post it or email it to us at
Commercial Finance
Together Lake View, Lakeside, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 3GW.
Download a Letter of Authority (PDF)
Where can I download a Financial Statement?
You might find it helpful to work out a few figures and complete a financial statement. This will allow us to understand your circumstances better and offer the right support.
You can email the completed form to us at or post it to us at Together, Lakeside, Lake View, Cheadle, SK8 3GW
Download a Financial Statement (PDF)
How do I set up a direct debit?
If you want to set a direct debit, please fill in the direct debit mandate form and email a signed copy to
You will receive confirmation from us by email & letter.
Download a copy (PDF)
Where can I download a Commercial Finance Welcome Pack?
Thanks for choosing Together.
As an established lender helping people to access the funding they need for over 40 years, we've seen the world change. Our common-sense approach makes us flexible – and that means we can always keep pace with change.
Like green thinking. We now provide our Commercial Finance Welcome Pack electronically as standard, which we've done to reduce the environmental impact of printing and posting this. You can download a copy, free of charge, as often as you like.
It contains details of our latest Tariff of Charges, helpful phone numbers, information on our complaints procedure, and more. In the interests of security, your Welcome Pack does not contain any personal data.
If you need a copy of your agreement or anything specific to your account, please call us and we will make arrangements.
Download a copy (PDF)
Where can I download a debt and Mental Health Evidence Form?
The Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form allows you to provide us with information about your mental health situation, so that we understand what help you need and so we can offer the right support.
Please follow the instructions on the form and liaise with your chosen health or social-care professional.
This is a standard form so you can also use it with other financial service providers, like your bank. It has been created and developed by the Department of Health and Social Care, along with the British Medical Association, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, Money Advice Trust, UK Finance, the Credit Services Association and other key stakeholders.
Download a copy (PDF)
Where can I download a Personal Finance Customer - Change of Details form?
If you need to update your personal details, please print and complete a Change of Details form and send it to us (plus any supporting evidence, see in Section 2 of the form) by post to:
Customer Operations
Together Lake View, Lakeside, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 3GW.
Please make sure that the relevant sections of the form are complete, and you've signed in the right place. We can't make any amendments to your personal details without your signature, or if the form is incomplete.
If the change you're making applies to more than one loan party, everyone the change applies to needs to sign the form.
We'll post all original identity documents back to you by Recorded Delivery.
If you are a Commercial Finance Customer, please call us on 0161 333 7415. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm.
If you have any questions about the form or the information we need you to send, please call us on 0161 333 7403. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
Download Personal Finance Change of Details form