Applying with us

Mortgage Application Checklist.

Get to know the documents you'll need for a smooth mortgage or loan application process.
A close up of a man writing a checklist.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

dark haired man lying on a sofa typing on a laptop

To apply for a loan or mortgage with us, you’ll need to submit an application.

During the application process we’ll ask you to provide us with certain documents so we can get to know you and understand the full picture. This includes your income and employment status, your credit circumstances, and any existing debts or expenses. This is to help us make sure you’ll be able to afford your monthly repayments without putting yourself under financial pressure.

Having these documents ready can help us keep things moving quickly and smoothly, and will mean we’re in the best position possible to approve your application and get your property dreams underway.

What Documents You’ll Need to Apply for a Mortgage or a Loan

What do I need to confirm my identity?

First things first, we’ll need to confirm who you are and where you live. In the majority of cases we’ll use Electronic Identification, which means you won’t need to send us any documents as evidence.

Where using Electronic Identification isn’t possible, you may need to send us the following for all borrowers listed on the application:

  • A current passport, photo driving licence, or EEA National Identity Card.

We’ll accept other forms of identification if you don’t have these – just talk to us. You'll also need to make sure these documents are in date.

  • A council tax bill, utility bill (gas/electric), bank, credit card or mortgage statement.

These documents are most frequently used as proof of address. You may need to download or request copies from your provider, and they should be dated within the last three months. It’s a good idea to get multiple copies of these documents as your solicitor will likely request them too.

We’ll also need a three year address history for all applicants.

Top tip:

It’s important the information you tell us on your application matches the documents you’ve provided. For instance, if you’ve changed your address, make sure your passport and driving licence reflect this change.

What do I need to prove my income if I'm employed?

We’ll require proof of your income if you’re applying for a mortgage or secured loan (also known as a second charge mortgage) but not for a regulated bridging loan. That’s because a regulated bridging loan is repaid in one lump sum at the end of your loan period rather than by monthly payments. If you’re planning to remortgage with us after the term of your bridging loan ends (and this is the exit strategy you’ve agreed with us), then we’ll need you to provide this proof of income upfront.

Here are the documents you’ll be able to use to prove your income:

  • Payslips

    If you’re paid monthly, every four weeks, or every two weeks, we’ll ask you to provide three of your last five payslips.

    If your employer pays you weekly, we’ll need to see four payslips from the last six weeks.

    If you’re on a zero-hour contract, we’ll require you to have been with your current employer for a minimum of six months and we’ll need to see six months’ worth of payslips to evidence your income.

  • Information from your employer

    We don’t require you to have been with your current employer for any length of time in most cases (unless you’re on a zero-hour contract), but we will ask you to tell us your employment details from the last 12 months.

    If you’ve recently started a new job or changed salary and don’t have the required payslips, you can ask your company to complete our ‘Employer’s Confirmation Form’ which we’ll send to you at application stage.

    We can also consider letters from managers or the business you work for if you’re unable to provide payslips – for example, if you’re paid in cash or by cheque.

    We may also ask to see your P60 statement which you can request from your employer.

    If you’re a temporary contract worker and you’re on a fixed term, long term, or renewable contract, we’ll ask to see your employment contract alongside relevant proof of income listed above.

What do I need to prove my income if I'm self-employed?

We’ll require proof of your income if you’re applying for a mortgage or secured loan (also known as a second charge mortgage) but not for a regulated bridging loan. That’s because a regulated bridging loan is repaid in one lump sum at the end of your loan period rather than by monthly payments. If you’re planning to remortgage with us after the term of your bridging loan ends (and this is the exit strategy you’ve agreed with us), then we’ll need you to provide this proof of income upfront.

Here are the documents you’ll be able to use to prove your income:

Many lenders will require applicants to have been self-employed for two years, but we can accept your application if you’ve got just one year’s accounts. We may ask you to provide the following:

  • An accountant’s certificate

    An accountant’s certificate must be completed by an accountant who holds a current practising certificate and is a member of an accepted accounting body.

    The chartered accountancy bodies are:

    • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA/FCA).
    • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (CA).
    • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA/FCCA).
    • Association of Accounting Technicians (MAAT/FMAAT).
    • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (ACMA/FCMA).
    • Institute of Financial Accountants (AFA/FFA).
    • Association of Authorised Public Accountants (AAPA/FAPA).
    • Association of International Accountants (AAIA/FAIA).
    • Certified Public Accountants Association (ACPA/FCPA).
    • Chartered Institute of Taxation (CTA).

  • SA302 form

    We can accept your last two SA302 forms, and the latest one must be dated within the last 18 months. If you’ve only been trading for 12 months (and don’t have two SA302 forms) we will need an accountant’s certificate.

    We’ll only use the most recent SA302 form to calculate your net monthly income.

  • Tax year overview from HMRC

    If you are using SA302 forms we’ll also need your last two submitted tax calculations from HMRC – the latest one must be dated within the last 18 months – with the matching Tax Year Overviews.

  • Business bank statements

    If you’re not using an accountant’s certificate, we’ll also ask to see your business bank statements from the last three months.

    If you’re struggling to provide any of these documents or you’re unsure, just get in touch with our friendly team and we’ll be able to help you understand what to do next.

What do I need to prove my income if I'm retired?

We’ll require proof of your income if you’re applying for a mortgage or secured loan (also known as a second charge mortgage) but not for a regulated bridging loan. That’s because a regulated bridging loan is repaid in one lump sum at the end of your loan period rather than by monthly payments. If you’re planning to remortgage with us after the term of your bridging loan ends (and this is the exit strategy you’ve agreed with us), then we’ll need you to provide this proof of income upfront.

Here are the documents you’ll be able to use to prove your income:

If you’re retired you’ll still be able to apply for a loan or mortgage with us, but we’ll need to understand your net income and how you plan to afford the repayments. We can accept private pensions as income with the following proof required:

  • Annual award statement or P60

    So we can understand your annual pension we’ll ask to see your annual award statement or P60. If that’s not available, we can look at your bank statement entry showing the amount credited.

  • Monthly pension

    We’ll ask you to provide two private pension payslips dated within the last three months. If that’s not available, we can accept two bank statement entries dated within the last three months which shows the credit to your account.

  • We’ll also accept state pension and pension credit with the following documentation required:

  • Award statement or bank statements

    We’ll ask to see either your award statement for the current year, or two bank statement entries dated within the last three months which shows the credit to your account.

What do I need to prove my income if I have additional income sources?

We’ll require proof of your income if you’re applying for a mortgage or secured loan (also known as a second charge mortgage) but not for a regulated bridging loan. That’s because a regulated bridging loan is repaid in one lump sum at the end of your loan period rather than by monthly payments. If you’re planning to remortgage with us after the term of your bridging loan ends (and this is the exit strategy you’ve agreed with us), then we’ll need you to provide this proof of income upfront.

Here are the documents you’ll be able to use to prove your income:

  • Payslips

    We can take into account regular overtime or weekly / monthly bonus payments. We’ll ask to see the corresponding payslips or the Year to Date figure on the payslip. We’ll need to see evidence of overtime on two out of your three monthly payslips, or four out of your six weekly payslips.

  • Award statement or bank statements

    Award statement and bank statements can also be used as evidence for a wide range of state benefits, including state pension, pension credit, disability living allowance, widowed parent’s allowance, carer’s allowance and attendance allowance.

    We’ll ask to see either your award statement for the current year, or two bank statement entries dated within the last three months which shows the credit to your account.

  • Online statements from DWP (Department for Work and Pensions)

    As evidence of Universal Credit, Housing benefit, Working tax credit, Child tax credit, Employment and support allowance and Income support, we’ll need to see three months full statements from DWP.

  • Child Support Agency (CSA) Agreement or Court Order

    If you receive regular child maintenance payments, we can take this into account when assessing your income and we’ll accept a copy of your CSA Agreement or Court Order.

  • A letter from your local authority

    You can use this letter as evidence of income from fostering – it should state the number of children and how long you have been fostering for.

    Where foster carers are classed as employed, we also require six months’ payslips / remittance advice slips and your most recent P60 or annual statement from your local authority.

  • An accountant’s certificate or SA302 form

    If you receive dividends or your rental income is being used, we can accept an accountant’s certificate or your last two SA302 forms; the latest one must be dated within the last 18 months.

    The amount declared on the accountant’s certificate must be the net figure after costs, buy-to-let mortgage payments and tax liability.

    If you don’t have these things available because you purchased the property less than 12 months ago, we’ll accept a current signed assured shorthold tenancy agreement and we’ll talk to you about costs associated with the property to understand your net income.

What do I need to show for proof of deposit?

  • Gifted deposit template

    We’ll ask your solicitor to send you our gifted deposit template which we’ll need you to fill out before we issue your funds.

What do I need to show for confirmation of spending, expenses and debts?

As well as your income, we’ll also want to understand how much money you’ll have left over each month to put towards a new mortgage or loan payment after all your bills are paid.

You'll be asked to list out all of your debts, as well as expenses like child support you may provide.

If you own a property with an outstanding mortgage:

If you’re applying for a second secured loan on your property, we’ll need some information about your existing mortgage. We can usually obtain this information when we perform a credit search, but we may ask you to provide the name of your lender and your reference number.

If your first provider has applied a restriction on your property title (a ‘Restriction on Title’), we’ll also need consent from your lender that Together can place a second ‘charge’ on your property for the new loan in the form of a signed letter.

If you have debts, CCJs or defaults:

  • Redemption statements

    We’ll ask to see up-to-date redemption statements on company letter head for any secured debt or unsecured loan, including any CCJ or defaults that we will pay off with your funds.

What information will I need to provide about the property?

  • Insurance policy

    We’ll need you to provide the details of your buildings insurance policy for the property once you’ve received your mortgage offer. This includes the company name, your policy number, the expiry date and the sum insured.

  • Ground rent and service charges

    If your property is a leasehold, we’ll need confirmation in writing from the freeholder/management company that all ground rent and/or service charges are paid and up to date before you receive your mortgage offer.

  • Valuation

    For all residential loan and mortgage applications, we’ll need to see a valuation for the property to understand how much its worth, and this must be dated within the last three months.

    Valuations can either be conducted in-full, or we can accept drive-by or Desktop (Hometrack) valuations in a lot of cases – we’ll let you know once we’ve received your application.

  • Fire Risk Assessment and Cladding (for flats)

    If your property is a purpose built flat, we’ll ask to see an up to date Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) and if the building has cladding, we’ll require an External Wall System Fire Review certificate (EWS1).

Applying for a loan or mortgage can seem like a complicated process if you’ve never done it before, but if you’ve got all your paperwork ready in advance, your application is likely to be much smoother. Plus, you can always get in touch with us or your mortgage broker for help if you’re unsure.

Using the Together app for a paperless loan and mortgage application

When you're ready to apply for a loan or mortgage with Together, you can use our secure app.

The Together app allows you to complete your application, upload files, view and sign documents, in a way that’s easy, safe and paperless. You can also ask questions and get updates on the progress of your application, all without having to speak to someone on the phone.

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Lending decisions are based on a credit check and an assessment of your individual circumstance.

All mortgages are subject to our terms and conditions.